Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UnclePappyWolf's Summer 2011 Nerd Hooligan Movie Musings: part 1

Check out The Nerd Hooligan Podcast entitled "UnclePappyWolf's Summer 2011 Nerd Hooligan Movie Musings: Part 1" Just click the link Below!
Your Resident NerdHooligan (AKA UnclePappyWolf) Howls about Nerd Movies.... Past, Present and Future...such as the X-Men franchise films including "First Class", Thor, the up and coming... Oh, Captain my "Captain America", The Assembling of the Avengers Cast, A little Pixar movie known as "Brave", The Nerd Mecca that is San Diego Comic Con 2011 and Mucho, Mucho, Mas!
If you like what you hear follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/NerdHooligan or http://twitter.com/UnclePappyWolf
and remember sometimes you gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT to be this NERDY!!!

UnclePappyWolf's Summer 2011 Nerd Hooligan Movie Musings: part 1

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Frank Miller's Batman: Year One gets The DC Animation Treatment!

Oh... This Nerd Hooligan is salivating at the thought of DC releasing Frank Miller's Batman Year One in Animation form. Now for those of you who do not know Batman Year One is what Nolan loosely used to Create Batman Begins. And it was Frank Miller Himself who wrote the first pass at the Batman Begins Screenplay. David Goyer lifted some of the best parts of Batman Year One when he wrote the final Screenplay of Batman Begins and many of the Miller's Ideas for Commissioner Gordon and Batman himself were highly influenced by this very famous Comic.

If you have not picked up this Comic and are looking for a good Batman Comic to jump into (because you are from another alternate Universe where comics don't exist and  have thus never read a classic Frank Miller comic or heard of him) Batman Year One is for you! I recommend giving it a read before the Direct to DVD/Blu-Ray version comes out in September 27th, 2011!